Ep 23. The Truth About The Honeymoon Phase: A new take on romantic beginnings
Get ready to venture into relationships as we redefine the honeymoon phase. We promise an insightful journey to help you comprehend, maintain, and revisit this blissful time. We're not just going to discuss the honeymoon phase but challenge its common misconceptions and explore how it varies from couple to couple. We provoke thought about whether this is an ending or a transition, offering a fresh perspective on this relationship evolution.
We'll delve into the significant aspect of keeping the honeymoon phase alive, emphasizing maintaining a balance between presence and skepticism. We'll share how a strong foundation of friendship is a cornerstone and the importance of continuously co-creating a cushion of bliss with your partner. We guide you through any uncharted waters in the relationship and advise you on managing the inevitable disappointment of reality. The importance of revisiting the honeymoon phase to keep the relationship fresh and exciting is also highlighted. Let's embark on this enlightening journey together, as we redefine love and relationships!
--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS --------
(0:00:08) - Navigating the Honeymoon Phase (10 Minutes)
We explore what the honeymoon phase is and how it differs from one relationship to the next. It is relative to the circumstance in which two people meet and is often characterized as a time of bliss. It is an intentional phrasing to remind us to lead with love in a relationship. We challenge the idea of whether it is an ending or a transition and offer our thoughts on how to navigate relationships beyond the honeymoon phase.
(0:09:41) - Understanding the Honeymoon Phase (15 Minutes)
We discuss the importance of finding a balance between presence and skepticism. We emphasize the need for a foundation of friendship and the idea of continuously co-creating a cushion of bliss with your partner. We share advice on navigating uncharted waters in the relationship and how to stay present, even when the other shoe might drop. Lastly, we explore the idea of continuously revisiting the honeymoon phase and not getting stuck in the disappointment of reality.
(0:24:23) - Maintaining the Honeymoon Phase in Relationships (12 Minutes)
We explore the idea of setting intentions and honoring the evolution of relationships to keep the honeymoon phase alive. We also discuss how the honeymoon phase can look and feel different from one relationship to another, and the importance of allowing yourself to be your authentic self without worrying that it will cause the end of the honeymoon phase
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